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Camouflage is the use of any combination of materials, coloration, or illumination for concealment, either by making animals or objects hard to see, or by disguising them as something else.

Military camouflage was spurred by the increasing range and accuracy of firearms in the 19th century. In particular the replacement of the inaccurate musket with the rifle made personal concealment in battle a survival skill. In the 20th century, military camouflage developed rapidly, especially during the First World War. On land, artists such as André Mare designed camouflage schemes and observation posts disguised as trees. At sea, merchant ships and troop carriers were painted in dazzle patterns that were highly visible, but designed to confuse enemy submarines as to the target's speed, range, and heading. During and after the Second World War, a variety of camouflage schemes were used for aircraft and for ground vehicles in different theatres of war.

Non-military use of camouflage includes  helping hunters to approach wary game animals. Patterns derived from military camouflage are frequently used in fashion clothing, exploiting their strong designs and sometimes their symbolism. Camouflage themes recur in modern art, and both figuratively and literally in science fiction and works of literature.

Camouflage Survival Spain - Camuflaje Supervivencia España
 Survival Camouflaging - Camulaje
Camouflage Survival Spain - Camuflaje Supervivencia España
Camouflage Survival Spain - Camuflaje Supervivencia España
Camouflage Survival Spain - Camuflaje Supervivencia España
Camouflage Survival Spain - Camuflaje Supervivencia España
Camouflage Survival Spain - Camuflaje Supervivencia España
Camouflaging - Camulaje
Camouflaging - Camulaje
Camouflaging - Camulaje
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