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5 days 4 nights - Workshops of 7-8 hours per day - 5 días 4 noches - Talleres de 7-8 horas cada dia

Started 21 Oct 2024
480 euros
Eagles Survival Training

Service Description

Learn the Basics of the 4 Core in 5 days - 4 nights The basics of Survival Shelter-Water-Fire-Food is a fully comprehensive course over 5 days. Workshops per day are usually approx. 6-7 hours a day, with various breaks and a lunch time. Staying in a military style tent or self-made shelter. Basic toilet and shower amenities. All you need to bring, a couple of changes of clothes, comfortable shoes, a rucksack and water bottle and any Survival Equipment you own or would like to put to use. We can provide the sleeping bag, pillow, bedding, etc. We have basic cooking facilities or we can provide basic Breakfasts - 5€ per person per day Lunch - 5€ per person per day Dinner 7.50€ per person per day This can be paid in cash on arrival unless you provide your own. Here is some information about the 5 Day workshop BASIC ACTIVITIES OF THE SURVIVAL WORKSHOP - Kit Preparation - Basic Navigation - Shelter construction - Safe use of tools and knife law - Establishing and maintaining fires by; bow drill, firesteel, flint and steel, charcoal cloth and other methods - Water sourcing, filtration and purification - Trapping, tracking and hunting - Manufacture of natural glue (in this case, pine pitch and its use). Some of these activities may change due to demand, for example, if you are interested in a particular area, the program may change slightly. Just to put your mind at ease, also, it is only a course where you will learn the basics in Survival. It would not be right of us to jump right into a 100% hardcore Survival course if you are a beginner (unless you inform us otherwise). (So don't worry, it will be fun and educational at the same time) If you want to practice more complex survival and actually go into the wild this is available as well, once you have knowledge in basic survival. Aprenda los fundamentos de los 4 pilares en 5 días - 4 noches Los fundamentos de Supervivencia Refugio-Agua-Fuego-Alimentos es un curso completo de 5 días. Los talleres por día suelen ser de aprox. 6-7 horas al día, con varios descansos y un tiempo para comer. Alojamiento en una tienda de campaña de estilo militar o en un refugio construido por uno mismo. Servicios básicos de aseo y ducha. Todo lo que necesitas traer, un par de mudas de ropa, zapatos cómodos, una mochila y una botella de agua y cualquier equipo de supervivencia que poseas o te gustaría poner en uso. Nosotros podemos proporcionar el saco de dormir, la almohada, la ropa de cama, etc.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule session. Please let us know 72 hours before session. Para cancelar o reprogramar una sesión. Por favor, háganoslo saber 72 horas antes de la sesión.

Contact Details

  • Asociación Peña El Desafio Del Aguila - Eagles Survival Training, C. Río Guadalfeo, Granada, Spain

    0034 642089877

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Velez de Benadaulla, Granada , 18670

Tel:  0034 642 089 877 

Thankyou for contacting us. We will respond accordingly.

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